Do the abdominal plank – benefits and exercises to try for a slim figure

Although we are all confined, there are several solutions for staying in shape without stepping into the gym. But one of the most express and effective ways to refine your figure is without a doubt the abdominal plank! So, for those who dream of a visibly more toned body, it is the ventral sheathing that is to be noted. The idea? Each morning, you reserve yourself 5-10 minutes for fitness using the weight of your own body. This form of progressive bodybuilding without additional loads is easy, quick and completely ideal for regaining your weight and promoting muscle building during confinement. Ready?

Why do the abdominal plank? Health benefits and virtues!

At first glance, the ventral sheathing may seem a bit banal for some. However, there are a lot of invigorating and easy variations you can try at home. Also, the virtues and benefits associated with this type of exercise are many. To prove it to you, we take a close look at them all!

Muscle development and toningabdominal plank

The sheathing is not an exercise to underestimate. This type of bodybuilding works in depth almost all the muscles of your body: the abdominal group, the glutes, the back and the lumbar. Its regular practice can even alleviate back pain. And because it contracts all the layers of the abdominal muscles and requires minimal movement, the plank is certainly one of the best ways to strengthen the central part of the body and reduce lower back pain.

Improved strength and posture

Succeeding in putting yourself on the forearms and toes requires a lot of effort and concentration. Ventral sheathing requires that you push and hold all of the main core muscle groups. The plank practiced for 30 days promises concrete abs as well as improved posture. It will also allow you to lift slightly heavier loads gradually. Simple everyday tasks like shopping and cleaning will be child’s play for you!

Improved balanceabdominal plank

Have you ever tried to balance yourself on one of your legs? If you fail each time, it is probably because your abs are not strong enough to help you maintain your balance! For the booster, try the side plank or the straight plank by lifting both the opposite leg and arm. Simple and effective, abdominal exercises contribute greatly to the support of your chest and back by improving the ability to sit up straight.

Metabolic acceleration

Although movement during sheathing is limited to a minimum, this static exercise requires a lot of energy from the body. This is why it is considered to speed up the metabolism and burn more calories than traditional abdominal exercises like sit-ups. If you haven’t dared yet, take a few minutes of your day, before or after work, and your body will thank you. The board only offers big advantages to those who practice it. So, get a fitness or yoga mat and get started!

Be careful, this is not a miracle exercise if it is not associated with a good healthy diet! For non-beginners, you can supplement your training with some cardio exercises.

Abdominal plank and caloriesabdominal plank

Knowing the number of calories consumed is good, but knowing the number of calories burned is better and certainly more motivating! This is why we put on the board! Planking for 3 minutes, therefore, allows you to spend around 200 calories. So, do your accounts and get down on the ground, resting on your elbows and toes!

Cladding, for whom?

As a rule, the board is for everyone. It is suitable for people who are not very sporty as well as sportsmen. The sheathing strengthens the abdominal strap in beginners and improves strength and balance in the experienced. Besides, the latter can try to widen the space between the arms and the feet in order to put more strain on the muscles. For beginners, from the starting position, they can put their knees on the ground to facilitate the exercise.

Basic exercise and variations

As a general rule, the most common board is the straight or stable board. Efficient and easy to carry out, it is ideal for beginners. So to make a perfect straight sheathing, put yourself on the ground, resting on the palms of the hands and the tips of the feet. Position the wrists under your shoulders. The ankles, pelvis and shoulders should be perfectly aligned while the hips and knees should be kept tight. The back of the neck should be relaxed. The head is in the axis of the column and the gaze turned towards the ground. The same exercise you can perform on your forearms.

Unstable sheathing for regulars

This variation of abdominal plank combines both the concepts of sheathing and balance. However, it is not overly recommended for beginners. By using the abdominal muscles in-depth, the unstable plank is an exercise that is found in particular in Pilates. How to do it? Put yourself in the seated starting position, feet off, stretch your legs and tilt your chest back. Try to keep your back straight and your arms straight to maintain balance. Hold the position!

Side or side sheathing to refine the size

To make a side plank, put yourself on a folded/stretched arm and the side of the same foot. Your body must remain well aligned (legs, chest, head). Raise the other arm, as shown above, and hold this position for 10 seconds, if you are a beginner. Be careful not to lean forward or backward. The body should be straight. During training, increase the duration of your board. A new challenge every day, from 15 seconds at the start to 3 minutes when you have mastered the exercise!

Sleeving for the most experienced

Once you have mastered the basic plank, you can dare to do an abdominal plank with a straight arm, a side plank with rotation, a plank with lifted arms and opposite legs or a plank with jumping jacks. You can also try the back abdominal plank using a stability ball. The variations are endless, just be creative!

Mistakes to avoid in plank position

What are the mistakes to avoid for perfect cladding? First, it is important to clarify that it is not a question of how long you can hold a board, but how long you can hold a board perfectly aligned. Once properly positioned, you should only remain static until you feel the burn. Easy to explain, hard to imagine? Here are the most common mistakes made by cardio enthusiasts, explained by Christophe Carrio.

In short, to reduce the risk of injuries to the back and spine, we avoid:

  • lower the hips and buttocks too much
  • lifting the hips and buttocks too much
  • Bend the knees
  • round shoulders
  • spread your arms too far
  • drop head and neck
  • raise head and neck
  • forget to contract your gluteal and abdominal muscles

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Hi, I am JEFFREY Dawson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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