Try the peach pie fit, great!

Try the peach pie fit, great! Today I share this special recipe that has an important meaning for me. And it is one of the ones that I prepared for the book “Fit Kitchen of Vikika”. This one is full of delicious recipes, both sweet and salty, and recommendations to learn how to eat better. Do not miss out on trying this peach-fit cake. Healthy and delicious!

For those who do not have the book “The Fit Kitchen of Vikika” I leave this sweet, and simple, recipe. It is very healthy and supports a fitness lifestyle and active. If you are going round to try some simple recipes to give more color and life to your diet, this could be a good start. Who does not want a sweet once in a while, typical of the best bakeries? Of course, free of added sugars and components harmful to health.

Peach pie, step by stepTry the peach pie fit, great!

Let’s go there with this rich peach cake. Do not forget to tell me how you have been! I leave here a picture of mine … It looks like it, right? Well, it tastes better! So … get on with it. Gather the ingredients that I leave you below and elaborate, step by step, this delight.

INGREDIENTSTry the peach pie fit, great!

-200g of oatmeal

-80g of whole wheat flour

-100g of vanilla protein powder

-1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

-1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

-1 envelope of chemical yeast

-10 liquid egg whites

-5 whole peaches or 10 halves in syrup (without sugar)

-Liquid or powder sweetener

PREPARATIONTry the peach pie fit, great!


-We put all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix.


-Peel and split the peaches into segments.


Add the egg whites and the liquid sweetener or powder to the bowl, and beat for 3 minutes until you get a homogeneous and thick mixture.


-We preheat the oven to 200ÂșC.


-In a silicone mold, pour the mixture, if you have done everything right, the mixture will be thick enough to keep the peach on the surface.


-We place the peach segments in order and bake for 30 minutes. We stick with a toothpick and, if it comes out clean, it’s ready to take off. Otherwise, we leave 5 more minutes in the oven.


-We remove and let cool with a rag on top so it does not dry.


If it is hot in the kitchen, store it in the refrigerator and before eating it you can temper it in the microwave.


A supercomputer recipe, ideal for breakfast. I like to make this type of cupcakes because it prevents me from thinking about what breakfast to prepare during the next 3 days.


Hi, I am JEFFREY Dawson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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