STIs are a big problem, causing all kinds of distress and long-term reproductive health issues. Chlamydia is one of the biggest causes of infertility in women, and other STIs are becoming harder to treat as they become resistant to available medications. Ways to prevent infection or transmission of STIs would be very welcome.
Huge health challenge
The World Health Organisation has said that vaccines are vital to preventing the spread of many STIs, including chlamydia, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis. STIs are extremely common, probably more common than most people imagine, with a million new infections being diagnosed every day. Many people don’t know they have an STI or that they are a carrier because they don’t have any symptoms. Gonorrhoea is also becoming more difficult to treat. In some cases, antibiotics do not work anymore. For more on this, see this report from The Guardian.
Lifelong infections
There is no cure for genital herpes, which can increase the risk of acquiring AIDS. Controlling chlamydia is difficult, and once it has caused severe Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, becoming pregnant may be very difficult. Developing vaccines to prevent STIs could make an enormous difference to the sexual health of millions of people around the world. STI vaccines could not only save lives, but reduce the misery associated with repercussions such as infertility, and incurable conditions.
If you are concerned that you may have been exposed to chlamydia or some other type of STI, you could be interested in home STI kits in London for simple and easy testing at home. To discover more about the advantages and convenience of home STI kits in London, it is a good idea to contact an expert in the field such as where you can find everything you need to test yourself in the privacy of your own home.
We are all responsible for our sexual health. Until vaccines exist we must take sensible precautions and have regular testing to ensure that infections are not settling in to cause long-term damage. No one wants to suffer through tertiary syphilis or the sadness of being infertile. Fortunately, testing kits have evolved and it is now relatively easy to ensure that your reproductive system is free of disease. STIs need more research, and hopefully, effective vaccines will be the result.
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