How to choose healthier foods: 10 tips

When going to the store it is important that you have in mind a guide about what you should buy or not for your weekly menu.

Choosing healthier foods can be a headache when we don’t have a series of tips in mind that can help us. Therefore, below we will tell you how you can buy healthy food without tempting yourself!

Choosing healthier foods

The first step in choosing healthier foods is to go shopping when you are satisfied, that is when you are not hungry!

A 2013 study published by JAMA Interna Medicine studied the purchasing habits of a group of people and concluded that those who go to the store hungry tend to buy more caloric foods. So you know, to eat healthier, have lunch before going to the supermarket!

Now, suppose you have finished eating, therefore, you are not hungry and you decide to go to the supermarket: what should you observe to choose healthier foods? Let’s look at these tips together:

1. Choose fresh foodsHow to choose healthier foods

Your first choice when buying food should be to opt for fresh ones. Vegetables and fruits provide an infinite number of nutrients, mainly minerals, and vitamins, and therefore should occupy a good portion of the shopping cart.

Do not leave the frescoes for last, go to that section of the supermarket when you still have energy and enjoy the activity. In this way, you will probably get more vegetables and fruits than when you are wanting to leave.

2. Best proximity and seasonal foods

When choosing fresh food, opt for those from your region that are harvested at that time of the year. Keep in mind that vegetables and fruits that have to travel long distances to the supermarket are usually picked green and ripen in boxes, ultimately providing fewer nutrients than those ripened on the plant.

3. Buy foods made with whole grainsHow to choose healthier foods

The grain cereals whole retain the bran, germ, and endosperm. While the bran provides fiber, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, the germ is rich in vitamin E and healthy fats. For its part, the endosperm provides carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Unlike refined cereals, whole grain cereals provide more nutrients. All these components are beneficial for the body so do not hesitate and choose whole grains!

4. If your budget allows it, choose organic food

Mainly they stand out because they do not have synthetic traces, that is to say, that they have not been treated with preservatives, dyes, or any kind of antibiotics or pesticides.

In this way, you make sure to avoid the toxic waste that could harm your health and that of your family. If you have a farm or orchard nearby, come closer. There you will get healthy food.

5. Look at the labels

When we go shopping we have to put in the cart the foods that at first glance we consider best, but have you ever stopped to read the labels? And we are not referring to the main label where empty phrases like ” light ” or “sugar-free” appear, but to the back where you can check its true ingredients.

The first step in choosing healthier foods is to understand the labels. You must know that its ingredients are ordered by weight, that is, that the ingredient that mainly composes that food will appear first and from then on, they will be cited in decreasing order.

We recommend that, beyond looking at the caloric intake of the food, pay attention to the nutritional information. See if it provides saturated fat, how much sodium and sugars, and compare. Always choose the one that provides the most nutrients.

6. Prefer low-fat foods

When buying cheeses and milk, choose those low in fat. Skimmed foods are ideal for the whole family to eat, except for children under the age of 3, in which case they require whole foods.

7. Avoid pre-cooked dishes

Ready dishes often include a large number of preservatives and sodium. Better buy fresh food and prepare food at home: it will be tastier and more nutritious.

8. Don’t buy goodies

We know it can be difficult but give it a try! Baubles and sweets, in general, do not provide nutrients to the body, but only the so-called “empty calories”. Instead of buying them, opt for a dark chocolate bar to satiate your desire to treat yourself.

9. Don’t be fooled by advertising

This last point for choosing healthier foods goes hand in hand with reading the labels. Do not be influenced by advertising and corroborate the ingredients of what you plan to buy. Some supposedly ” light ” foods provide a lot of sugars, for example.

10. Make a list

It seems silly but making a list and sticking to it will prevent (or minimize) compulsive shopping that is usually done with more calorie and less healthy food.

Choosing healthier foods requires your awareness. Think at home what dishes you want to prepare during the week, prepare your list and leave room only for one or two whims. In this way, you will spend less and buy better!

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Hi, I am JEFFREY Dawson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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