What is the newborn hearing screening?

Most babies will receive a hearing test within their first few weeks of life. This allows any hearing problems to be identified early, ensuring they receive the best possible support.

Hearing Problems in Newborns

Deafness can have a variety of causes. Sometimes it is acquired later in life, but between one and two babies in every 1,000 will be permanently deaf from birth, with that figure even higher for those who spend time in intensive care.

This is not like the hearing problems caused by excess earwax. The Earwax website gives several examples of ear wax removal Gloucester that could easily restore your hearing. In cases of permanent deafness, particularly for newborns with undeveloped language skills, extra support may be needed to help them communicate and to ensure they can build relationships with the people around them.

When do newborns have their hearing tested?

Most newborn hearing screenings take place within four to five weeks of birth, although they are available for up to three months. They are recommended but not mandatory.

For hospital births, they are usually offered before discharge. Health visitors or other healthcare professionals may talk to you about the test, which is organised by your local newborn hearing screening service. If you do not receive your test, contact this service, your health visitor, GP or a local audiology department.

The Nature of the Test

An automated otoacoustic emission, or AOAE, involves placing a small earpiece in the ear. It will emit mild clicking sounds. Results are immediate. If the baby does not respond, it may simply be that they were distracted or unsettled, or that they have a temporary ear blockage.

In these cases, either a second AOAE is repeated at a later date, or an automated auditory brainstem response, or AABR, test is carried out instead. This involves sensors and headphones. If hearing loss is detected, you may be provided with additional information about childhood deafness and referred to a specialist.

The sooner any hearing issues are identified, the quicker and more effectively support with language and communication can be offered.


Hi, I am JEFFREY Dawson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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