10 best healthy foods

10 best healthy foods. It is true that in the last period it is practically almost impossible to eat something really healthy. Apart from fruit and vegetables (even here you have to be careful), everything else goes under the heading “carcinogenic”, “bad” or so on and so forth. So no to meat, no to fast food, no pasta … in short. A nightmare. That everyone stems in his own way. But there are 10 foods that you should be careful when shopping. Because if they are defined as healthy and dietary, they are not.

1) Everything that has a label that indicates “fat-free”best healthy foods

In today’s culture, where the displaced dimension, the fascination of something completely fat-free is certainly difficult to ignore, especially when it comes to food. However, just these foods can bring weight gain! For example, if we take a box of biscuits identified as “fatless”, know that it is half a lie because most of the time they are loaded with sugar, preserving calories compared to the original ones. In addition, the mental part takes over. We are so convinced that do not get fat that the package is consumed in no time. So a massive intake that does more damage than 4 cookies every day, normal.

2) Pre-packaged smoothiesbest healthy foods

Do not start from the assumption of saying “a smoothie is just a shake”. If you do it at home and you know how we completely agree. But if you go to the supermarket in the supermarket, stop by. A burst of sugars combined with a series of suicide preservatives. And not only:   there is almost no trace of the fruit pulp. Fibres are missing, fundamental for intestinal wellbeing. Better to eat fresh fruit. It is one of the best healthy foods.

3) Diet drinks

best healthy foods

Even here one could open an entire chapter. The “sugar-free” bait is often a bowl of honey for bears. And like for smoothies, sugar is there, turned in another form (artificial sugars), like calories. It is useless to deceive ourselves that a carbonated drink (coloured and of great taste), is really a panacea for the body. Drink them from time to time, but they are not a habit. It is one of the best healthy foods. Continue reading-Top 5 best healthiest foods

4) Shelled dried fruitbest healthy foods

Most of the shelled and packaged fruit is actually a panacea for the body (taken in regular doses), but when the palate lets itself be seduced by re-editions, problems begin. The salted peanuts, those covered with chocolate or who knows what devilry, those piccantine… Generally, all of these contain sugar and quite a lot! Rather than give in to temptation, prepare your mix at home and bring it around as a snack. It is one of the best healthy foods.

5) Ready saladsbest healthy foods

This thing worries us a little. It will be that to hurry up and eat some vegetables at dinner or lunch, you choose the quickest thing, but we have discovered that the salads already prepared are not as healthy as we think. It will be that the green leaves alone do not fill us and then we look for the one with the tuna, with cheese, with meat … well. If it is not just salad, know that here too sugar is an ever-present preservative. And often in much higher dose than we expect (also seen the uncomplicated condiments). It is one of the best healthy foods.

6) Bagels

Lately much more present in Italian culture (also reproduced in a similar way more like a bread), it seems honestly like any sandwich, in fact. And instead, listen, listen, we are talking about 350 calories of which 66 grams of carbohydrates. If we eat them together with some cheese, some ham or even worse with something sweet, we will have an erosion of the body. If you like to taste bagels in the morning for breakfast, review your diet: better a bowl of cereals or an egg. It is one of the best healthy foods.

7) Margarinebest healthy foods

Mostly used years ago (I remember that my mother and my grandmother often used it because they were thinner than butter), but in reality, it is in part. It may contain less fat per serving, but many brands of margarine also contain trans fats, which can lead to heart disease. It is one of the best healthy foods.

8) Packaged muffinsbest healthy foods

What a good muffin! True, very true, also because they always seem to have just been made. But be careful. We are always at the crossroads: even if you try wholemeal muffins (which will surely give you more fibre), they contain many sugars. And not only. It has been shown that some of these reach even high sodium doses! Usual foregone advice: do it at home. It is one of the best healthy foods.

9) Soups readybest healthy foods

A real health attack: salt and preservatives, in a massive dose. That force the kidneys to a double job. It is one of the best healthy foods.

10) Yogurtbest healthy foods

And let’s face it, here a bit of a myth collapses. The snack par excellence in many diets. Most contain sugar and preservatives. If you really want to use it as a snack check the labels well and choose the skinny white one. In short, shopping is a job. Or rather, doing healthy shopping is a real daily commitment (or weekly for those with a family). That does not mean to abolish the concessions a bit ‘disgusting, but try to stem everything that makes fun of us. It is one of the best healthy foods.


Hi, I am JEFFREY Dawson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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