Seven Minutes of Sport Per Day: Toned and Fit With Minimum Effort

From nine to twelve exercises in seven minutes. It sounds simple, but in reality, it is not! Toned and fit with a handful of sports minutes a day: it’s the new fitness trend of the USA.

7-Minute Workout

Free time, now, is measured with the dropper. Work, school, study, friends, and family leave little room for physical activity. A new trend in fitness, coming from the United States, focuses precisely on this aspect, promising the best result in a short time, thanks to the so-called high-intensity circuit training, known as HIT or HIIT.

Basic concept: From nine to twelve exercises, each lasting 30 seconds, interspersed with 10-second breaks, to be performed over 7 minutes, possibly every day.

The original 7-minute workout, developed by includes the following exercises: jumps with legs apart, squats on the wall (back against the wall holding the legs bent), push-ups, abdominals on the floor, step up and down from a chair, squats, triceps flexions on a chair, jogging on the spot, lunges forward, push-ups with a torso twist and a side plank.

These exercises only take advantage of the weight of the body and do not require special equipment, although a wristwatch with heart rate monitor is useful for timing intervals, measuring pulses and verifying the consumption of calories.

How To Optimize Your Training

The proposed 7-minute program basically presents two weak points: first of all, traction exercises are lacking, absolutely essential for training important muscles such as the biceps or the back. Some of the sequences elaborated by experts, therefore, should be replaced with tractions. We recommend buying a bar for arms lifts, the most effective practice ever.

Secondly, the original program is practiced only by exploiting the weight of your body: if in the initial phase, the method can be adequate; thirty seconds of maximum effort for each exercise may prove excessive or insufficient in a physical workout that wants to be progressive, eliminating. In fact, the improvements: it is therefore appropriate to perform some exercises, such as the bends on the legs and lunges, with additional weights: a pair of short dumbbells can be useful for this purpose.

Sports For People Who Do Not Have Time To Play Sports

Hand on the heart: The main advantage of the 7-minute workout is to save time, giving everyone the opportunity to practice a minimum of daily physical activity, with a reduced waste of time. Without irony, it can be said that it is a sport for people who do not have time to do sports. You can even practice this 7-minutes workout while enjoying Champions League at your home and betting on your favorite team, to make your sports more exciting find all Champions League odds at William Hill.

If you are part of this category, then 7 minutes of physical practice is a good compensation for time spent at the desk, allowing you to activate your metabolism, reduce fat and improve fitness in a very short space of time. Worth a try!


Hi, I am JEFFREY Dawson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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